Sunday, April 6, 2008

a relaxing weekend

I came home late last night after 3 1/2 days spent in Indy doing nearly nothing. It was a great relaxing time with good friends and good food. I needed it after last weekend.

I actually had planned to go hiking over those days but the vehicle me and my buddy, Matt, took broke down so we didn't end up going. (60 miles in 4 days is one thing. In 3?...that's a little much when you haven't hiked in months.)

So, I'm back in the ol' Rochester on my way to watch (in a cruel twist of fate) I am Legend for the second time in three days.

(I just noticed how many numbers I used in this post. 6 (now 7...dang...9) times is probably the most I've used in a post this small.

This post sucks but I'm leaving it anyway.


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