Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Compelled by Love by Ed Stetzer and Philip Nation

I just finished reading Ed Stetzer and Philip Nation's book Compelled by Love and I heartily recommend it.

I've been following Ed's blog for several months and I'm always impressed with his passion for the Gospel and those outside the church. Those passions shine through in this book.

The opening chapters set the tone by defining the Gospel and the call to missions. Ed and Philip work through Scripture to show that the Gospel is defined by love, driven by love and a call TO love.

Putting the things of first importance (Christ's death, burial and resurrection) above everything is what drives our love. Christ's sacrificial death serves not just as our justification but as our example. Sacrificial love is what defines a Christian.

With great clarity and simplicity, Ed and Philip, describe the Christian life that is motivated by love: Love for God and Love for Neighbor. They challenge us to look beyond ourselves and to die to ourselves. They push us to make disciples and to work hard at evangelism. And they do it all through the lens of love.

Through it all they link obedience to Christ and love of Christ, which is exactly the way Jesus put it "You are my friends if you do what I command...This is my command: Love each other."


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