Tuesday, September 15, 2009

north! or be eaten

Some of you may know Andrew Peterson for his fantastic music (and if you don't, you are cordially invited to a concert on Friday, Dec. 18 in Kokomo.) He has an incredible gift for writing both music and books.

A few weeks ago I read through Peterson's first book On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness in just a few short hours. It was a funny, intriguing and captivating tale of a trio of kids, their mother and grandfather.

With Janner, Tink and Leeli you'll explore the aptly named world of Aerwiar. The second book, North! or Be Eaten is full of much more danger and conspiracy than the first. My fingers were tingling with anticipation: will Janner escape the factory? would Tink escape the Black Carriage? would anyone make it to the Ice Prairies?

You'll definitely enjoy yourself as Andrew weaves his tale. And, if you have kids, it's perfect for bedtime stories. The chapters are short and the characters are instantly likable.

So, beware the bomnubbles, the Gargan rockroach, the Fangs of Dang and the stranders. Aerwiar is a dangerous place right now, but the Jewels of Anniera promise hope. Redemption looms on the horizon.

You should definitely go pick up a copy of these books. If you still need convincing, just visit the Wingfeather Saga online and check out some of the characters in the Creaturpedia.

Here's to Andrew and his fantastic tales!


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