My immediate response to my latest driving assignment led me to some serious repentance. Man, God is always pushing for that.
You see, technically my training on the road ends today. I should have no more time with my trainer and I should have two days off until I have to return to take final tests and paperwork.
These two days were very precious to me. I wanted very badly to attend the wedding of a friend tomorrow. He is a stout believer and I love to see friends unite under the headship of Christ. (I was also supposed to usher, so there's a broken promise.)
Secondly, I want to see my church. I want to talk to my church family and encourage and be encouraged at a gathering of believers. I wanted to shake hands and smile and laugh and find out all the ways God has been active in their lives.
And, I really wanted to see my family. Especially my nephew. Man, I miss that kid like crazy.
None of that is going to happen now. I will miss the wedding, miss church and miss my family.
My first lightning bolt response was intense anger. I had spent the last few days in prayer about the weekend because it was looking oddly like it wouldn't happen. Last night I was nearly convinced of it and spent a lot of time petitioning God to be merciful to me. Then, at noonish today, I was informed that I would be spending the weekend driving to Lansing, Michigan. Most of that time would be spent sitting at a truckstop (36 of the 48 hours.)
I instantly shot up a prayer that sounded something like this: "Why would you deprive me of these joys? Am I being unreasonable to demand them? Have you no pity? What is a job, anyway?"
God's solemn answer came like a train wreck. Jonah had a shade tree grow and whither and he cursed God for it. What is a job other than a shade tree? What are these small joys but fruit from that tree? God had graciously provided the job and I became insolent as soon as it didn't provide the fruit I wanted. And so God answered me with a question, "Do you do well to be angry?" And I immediately saw my atrocious sin.
My trainer is not a believer. He, like Nineveh, is an unrepentant city. I have felt little compassion for him and have at times thought that he didn't even deserve the offer of grace. That's twisted and ugly, but it is the truth.
God withered my tree so that I would be aware of my sin and perhaps repent and preach the Gospel. I ask that you would pray for me these next 48 hours and also for the soul of my trainer, the Ninevite. May God be merciful to us both.
Friday, October 15, 2010
the lessons of Jonah
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Without a doubt, selfishness abounds in the world of trucking. It is ever present. It has been in every single conversation I have had this past week.
The thoughts go something like this:
"Well, dispatch is screwing us over again. We've been sitting here for hours with nothing."
"Did you see that car/truck/van? How dare they cut me off."
"I'm only getting 2500 miles a week, so I put in my two weeks."
All of these and more give evidence to the most important person: self. If you listen carefully you hear folks saying that the road and the job and everything around them is meant to make their life easier. And the temptation to join the conversation is becoming greater.
In recognizing this overwhelming sin this week I have given myself to memorizing Phillipians 2 in hopes that the Spirit will bring it sharply to my mind so that I will be evidently different from the world around me. In doing so, I pray that some would see that and wonder at the calm and patient demeanor and that a door for the Gospel will be sprung.
It's probably the same with you. I'm sure wherever you are in life that certain sins are prevalent around you. Identify them and be aware that they will be some of your greatest temptations and snares. Pray for God to protect you especially from them and shine light into darkness with the hopes of leading some to Christ.
In Christ who sustains,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
and so it begins
Yesterday, through the words of the Spirit in Luke 18 where Jesus tells of the Pharisee, I was crushed. Let me tell you about it.
Saturday night I met my trainer (I've started driving semi truck through an odd series of events that may be detailed later) and we took off on our first run on Sunday. I was quickly made aware that this man was not spiritually inclined in any way. He tends to exaggerate and doesn't like to talk about anything deeper than the Food Network.
Almost instantly I felt disdain for him. He lied, smoked, cussed and was generally crabby. I wanted to call up my company and request a new trainer. I thought, "how can anyone stand to hang out with this guy?"
Then I read Luke 18 and God put my pride in check. What do I have on this guy that Jesus would save me? That I don't smoke? That I don't make up colleges and degrees? That my language is fairly clean? That I'm generally in a good mood? Who am I kidding with that list?
Well, I succeeded in kidding myself for several days until God decided he'd seen enough of that nastiness. I heard him ask these questions and I felt the weight of the answer.
The answer that I'm a wicked man. That I don't deserve grace. And that I needed to see this man not as a pitiful human being, but as a sinner in need of a Savior.
That was a whallup that I desperately needed. If I'm going to be out here for a year I can't look at myself as better than anyone else, that's not going to adorn the Gospel at all. I need to bring the good news of Jesus to the dying men and women around me in humility.
So, where have you seen this attitude creep in to your life? With that co-worker? That parent? That kid? That grown-up?
I assure you friends, no list will ever elevate you to a place where God will accept your righteousness. Repent of that attitude and begin praying for that person and telling them of the God who came to save sinners.
And pray for me.
Monday, June 28, 2010
a Bible study
Yes, I know I have been absent. I'll blame it on the play that I was in (and that ended with a final performance today.) And now, I've been up way past my bedtime thinking and praying about what to do with all this new free time.
I've decided to begin a weekly Bible study at my apartment on Monday nights from 6-7:30 (but you are more than welcome to come early and stay late.) I'd love for any in town to come and join me.
Since resigning in December I have become increasingly restless without a regular teaching opportunity. I'm sure my family and friends will agree that my attitude has not been too joyous lately. My lackluster emotion has been from a sense of uselessness for the Lord. Hopefully, this will restore some of my joy in serving until I am able to find someplace to serve God more fully.
Speaking of finding a place, I covet your prayers for two interviews that will be happening in coming weeks. One is for a pastor's college and the other for a ministry position.
I hope to see some of you soon. The first meeting will be July 5th. If you need directions please call or email me.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Since (essentially) flunking out of Butler in 2006 I have continuously struggled with what to do. To return and take classes without scholarship would be absurd due to tuition rates. Transferring out solves the cost, but stretches the time to 2 years as a full-time student.
I have heard from many on the subject. Most of them have urged me (scolded me?) to finish my degree. A few have pushed for the exact opposite.
A small non-acredited school in southern Indiana would give me the opportunity to be trained as a pastor without the prerequisite of a bachelor's degree. I have struggled with the idea. Can I live with the knowledge that I never completed my college degree?
I think I've finally been persuaded that I could. Tomorrow I'm officially applying to the pasotor's college in Bloomington. What pushed me over the edge, you ask?
A biography on Charles Spurgeon.
Spurgeon was only 19 when he became the pastor of New Park Street Church and he quickly told the deacons that he was uneducated. Here is their response.
"But [the deacons] had heard so many college graduates and had been wearied with their preaching that they replied 'That is to us a special recommendation, for you would not have much savour or unction if you came from college' "
It is my belief that the congregation that God calls me to will have much the same thought.
(Now pray that I would get in to the school in Bloomington and not further delay my service to God.)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
for wilma
I know a great lady in this little town. I saw her a few weeks ago and promised her a post. So, Wilma, this one's for you.
I thought a small update was in order.
First, I am seriously considering applying for a small pastor's college in Bloomington, IN. (Thanks to Alex for telling me about it.) I visited this last weekend and am nearly positive that I'll be throwing my hat into the pool of applicants. Lord willing, I'll get some much needed discipleship and training.
Second, I'm loving my new church, CCC. So are my parents. It's fantastic. Christ-exalting fellowship is always a good thing.
Third, I'll be back to regular blogging next Monday. I've been slowly working on some posts for the last month, hoping to get enough ready that I won't have to physically think of and write something every day. With that will come, sporadically, the rest of my series on Grounding Election.
And now, on to more excellent matters.
I've been reading and studying Hebrews for years now. I love that book. And, I think it has officially passed Ephesians as my favorite. That's saying a lot. Ephesians held that place for over 6 years.
Here's a taste (from chapter 2):
Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
Jesus HAD to be made like us. Had to. Think about that. It was a necessary part of the Gospel. God could not save us without this. Jesus had to become a man. He had to have bones and blood. He had to experience pain. Physical and emotional. He had to know what it meant to cry. He had to feel the tempting spirit of Satan. He had to get calluses and skin his knees. He had to grow up from an infant, needing his mother to feed him and change him. He had to.
What else though? Just before that portion we read:
For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering.
It fits that Jesus, FOR whom and BY whom all things exist, should have to do those things. It makes sense that the God of the universe had to humble himself to the point of death, even death on a cross, for his creation. The majestic Word of God that spoke into creation all things and that still holds them together. That God. The one that is eternal. All-powerful. All-wise. All-knowing. All-loving. Perfectly Holy. That Lord.
Meditate on that for awhile today.
How good is our Heavenly Father?
So good that He sent his Son.
labels: hebrews, humanity of jesus, propitiation, trinity
Thursday, February 25, 2010
grounding election: the doctrine (an addendum)
Well, I haven't had much time to write out the rest of part 2 because the store has been especially busy. However, last Sunday at church one of the pastors, while teaching on the doctrines of our church in Sunday school, handed out these notes.
I think they summarize my views on the doctrine of election quite well and they came along quite providentially.
So, if you have the time, I'd encourage you to work your way through the notes. If you have questions on them, feel free to ask me.
labels: election, grounding election
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Free book from DashHouse
Martin Luther laying it down
Wal-Mart good for farmers?
McDonald's has a chef?
Pray for the Costa's adoption process
If you have not yet watched the videos I posted yesterday, please do so here
I think I want to see this movie:
(HT: Z)
raising purity
I've not read a lot of dating books, but I have a pretty intense theology of dating (just ask any of the kids in my youth group.) I am convinced that modern dating is unhealthy and in most cases unbiblical. So, when I picked up Gerald Hiestand's book Raising Purity for review I was a little surprised that he agreed.
As always, the biggest idea to keep in mind when trying to figure out how to keep relationships pure is how they reflect Christ. Hiestand nails this in a number of aspects. On page one of the intro is this line, "...we will be searching for the heart of God, expressed fully in the person of Christ. We will be searching for a Son-exalting purity that is not defined by what it isn't but by what it is. Ultimately--though perhaps you didn't realize it--we will be searching for the gospel."
Hiestand delivers on his promise. This book is all about exalting the name of Jesus in our relationships.
One of the main cornerstones of the book is defining relationships biblically, leading to two choices: married or unmarried, neighbors or spouses. If you aren't married to the person, then you should treat them as a neighbor. He gets this from a variety of texts and expounds on what that means for "dating." If you wouldn't do it with a family member or your next door neighbor, you shouldn't be doing it while dating. That makes things pretty clear doesn't it?
Where does he get this exalted view of marriage and this low view of dating? He gets it from this idea that "in a very real sense, we Christians are currently engaged to Christ." Only with engagement does real commitment occur. Dating offers no promise of a future, therefore, dating (in the modern sense) is dangerous because it offers a false sense of security.
Beyond the practical advice on how to seek relationships biblically is some sobering wisdom on lust and sin. Based on several passages of Scripture he makes this statement: "Spontaneous emotional responses are not morally neutral; they reveal the conditions of our hearts. When we spontaneously respond in rage to the rude driver, in condemnation to the fallen saint, or in lust to thee attractive woman, we reveal the agendas of our hearts are not as aligned with God as they should be."
Wow. That's powerfully convicting.
I'd recommend the book to anyone with children and anyone who deals with youth. There is a lot of wisdom packed into a short 150 pages that will help you think clearly about relationships and helping kids wade through the minefield of modern dating.
labels: books
Monday, February 22, 2010
I had another post ready to go today...and then I saw this.
Go over and watch the videos and pray for believers in India (and other persecuted countries.)
It really does make you question everything.
labels: persecution
Friday, February 19, 2010
Challies is freebie-ing some things.
Al Mohler's thoughts on preaching
Fish and Chips every week
The white guy bias
These are pretty cool (just trust me and click on it)
Mark Driscoll talking about demons
(HT: JB)
it's my nephew's 2nd birthday!
And here's a short clip from a couple weeks ago. He tried to put his sweater on and it ended up backwards and stuck. You wish you had a nephew this awesome.
labels: josiah benjamin
Thursday, February 18, 2010
grounding election: immediate grief (pt 1)
(If you're just tuning in, here's the intro and part 1)
I'll admit it right up front. I did not feel grief when I learned of election. I felt two things that were not anywhere near grief.
The first was anger. Not anger at God, but anger at the church. I was really, really, unbelievably, seethingly angry at the church. I say it like that because I don't recall any pastors ever trying to hide the doctrine (if I'd have flipped open my Bible for myself I would have found it) but it did seem as though no one had EVER talked about this idea with me. Ever. And that sent me over the edge.
But, underlying my hope that no pastor had ever intentionally avoided the topic is that I found the doctrine of predestination so prevalent in Scripture that one would actually, in my opinion, have to to work at NOT talking about it. I've heard sermons in recent years that were on Ephesians 1, Romans 9, John 6 and several other passages and this was the kind of thing said about election "it's not like the Calvinists say, but we don't have time to get into it here." What a bunch of bologna (or baloney)!
But the real reason I was so upset was that this doctrine, for me, brought an immense sense of Joy. Real Joy. I had "re-committed" my life to Christ so many stinkin' times, promising that I'd do better and that God would have something to be proud of someday that the idea that I was absolutely chosen before the world for the glory of God blew me out of the water!
It was as if someone had been holding out on the most refreshing drink of Christ that could ever be offered that when I drank of it I despised those who had worked to hide it.
And because I was so rapturously in love with the idea of election for myself and other believers and so angry at the church for avoiding it, I didn't have time to really sit back and let my heart do some pondering.
For most people though, those are not the first emotions you feel when you learn of election. Some of you were probably upset just reading my post from a few days ago (or today's post), highlighting the prominence of the doctrine in Scripture (if you're really wondering how immense the topic is, I suggest getting ahold of R.C. Sproul's series on Predestination.)
I think most people's reaction is along these lines:
"That's not Biblical. I've never even heard of this kind of thing before. My pastor has never said anything like this. Oh, you're a 'Calvinist', that explains it. Show me in the Bible where this is true. What about the 'doctrine' of free-will?"
There is almost always a reaction against predestination because it's rarely taught in American churches. So, when someone actually says "we're elect" people get squirmy because, if they've grown up in the church, it sounds foreign. And since they're supposed to test all things, they test it. Since it's never been taught, they have a false sense of wrongness. It's a vicious cycle that can only be broken by diligently and patiently studying the doctrine, whether on your own or with someone who is willing to work through it with you.
The second emotion, sometimes sitting arms-linked with the above, is one of terrible and horrible grief over the 'non-elect.' This can lead to many problems, lack of evangelistic zeal, abandonment of the faith, the ruination of friendships and terrible words evoked toward our great Savior, Jesus Christ.
It's this grief that I'll try and hash out in part two in a few days.
labels: election, grounding election
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Well, due to some business up in Chicago I won't have time to edit my post for today. You'll have to make do with these nuggets. Below are some of my grandpa's favorite sayings.
that'd stink a hound off a gut wagon
I been workin' like a borr'wd mule
I could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves
that'd gag a maggot
There are more. I just can't think of them.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
My advice? Stop the Buzz.
The bounds of Christian liberty
Pain before greatness
Some really cool pictures of massive snow
John Piper almost quit Bethlehem?
Beware "new" Christianities
And a little sweet gospel song action:
(HT: Thinklings)
I don't know if "discover" is the right word, but this verse from Luke 22 has been ingrained in my memory for several years. It has provided immense comfort and, along with a few Psalms, was the sustaining voice that kept me from abandoning everything two years ago.
"Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers."
I encourage you all to put this verse into your hearts, because you won't have much strength to look for hope when those times come. You'll need to have his Word implanted within you.
Take a few minutes and say it out loud about 20 times, write it down a few times, and come back to it every day and do the same for the next few days. When Satan demands to have you and Christ seems absent, pray that he would be merciful and intercede on your behalf just as he did for Peter.
Monday, February 15, 2010
grounding election: the existence of the doctrine
It wouldn't do us much good to have a conversation on what we should ground God's sovereign election in if we don't agree that the doctrine of election exists and is Biblical. A blog really isn't the place to have an all-out defense of the doctrine, but a few things can be said about it in a short matter of time.
The words elect, predestined, foreknown, chosen, etc. exist throughout Scripture. Just a quick look through a concordance will assure you of this. Below I've got some statistics gathered from a simple word search using Biblegateway. I've combined word references in the Gospels (that is, if the same situation is being talked about in Matt. 24 and Mark 13, I'll simply count them as one instance) and tried to ween out those verses that do not use them in a context that has to do with election (for instance, if "Lot chose" is in a verse, I've left that out of the count.) I've also included all variations on the word, elect, elected, election, etc.
Elect: 11 instances
Chose: 48 instances
Foreknew: 5 instances
Predestined (destined): 8 instances
Those are just where the exact words appears. The idea of election, though, is often implied in a text. "My people" is a common phrase (but I wasn't about to sift through all those instances), the idea of God doing as He pleases with people by making kings and rulers and destroying kingdoms (that is the point of the fall of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel), the idea that nothing happens outside God's will, and the prophecies found in Scripture (especially those that foretell of Jesus life, death and resurrection) all point to God's sovereign election.
Some have argued that God election is of a people, not individually but corporately. This idea, however nice it may sound, does not hold up logically. You can't choose a group without choosing individuals. You might not want everyone that is in the group, but by virtue of your choice, you have chosen them anyway. Election must ultimately become individual if it is to make any sense.
And finally, for me, the greatest Scriptural evidence of election is found in this glorious statement from Ephesians 1:
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.
In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory."
I've marked up the text so that you can see a few things more clearly:
Red phrases are blessings or goodness given to us...notice how prominent they are
Blue phrases are those about our election
Green phrases are those that have to due with God's action in election
Purple is the ultimate purpose of election
I hope that makes sense.
Again, all I'm trying to show in this opening post that the doctrine of election is true and found throughout the Scriptures in a myriad of ways. We need to be agreed on this basic idea that it exists before a discussion can be made for us to rejoice in it.
Here is a basic outline of the remaining posts (coming every day or so for the next couple weeks)
Election should cause grief
God is not happy that anyone should perish
God is forever about his fame
Election should make us rejoice
There may be a few posts thrown in to help clarify points.
labels: election, grounding election
Sunday, February 14, 2010
in unrelated news...on a sunday, no less
I've turned Google Buzz off in Gmail. I finally decided it was time to close the thing down when I saw conversations of people that I've never actually met, but that I've corresponded with via email...and then I saw folks talking to them whom I've never even heard of...and it was a bit too stalker-like for me.
Maybe once they get the mess cleaned up I'll turn it back on, but for now I'm done with Google Buzz.
labels: google buzz
Friday, February 12, 2010
Challies has some free kids stuff today.
And, for the Twitter among us: win a free car from CarMax or an iPad from Logos.
Taking the Gospel to (HT: Noel)
What it is like to go to a D. Webb concert if you don't know his music
The dangers of Christian radio
Take a Sabbath
Derek Joseph's posts from 1 Timothy are excellent
And some Michael Jackson covers:
(HT: BL)
grounding election
I had a conversation with a friend last night that ended with a discussion on God's electing some unto salvation and some unto damnation. It is a difficult topic, especially if you have close friends or family who are not yet saved. It is heart-wrenching to think of them never knowing Christ.
Years ago I was very cool and collected about the idea of election. I loved it unabashedly. I spoke of it freely, with passion and many times with absolutely no forethought. I'm sure there have been many who were adversely affected by my ranting.
You see, although I knew it to be true and good, the secondary election of reprobates never really weighed on my mind. Whenever folks would talk about how they disliked my insistence on the doctrine of predestination I would write them off as too sentimental and not enough into Biblical truth.
Over the years though, I started to feel the ache of seeing those whom I love as brothers refuse the faith. It was something I couldn't put a handle on and I quickly wrote it off as an emotional response against the glorious truth of Scripture. But it kept coming back, stronger than before.
It is this ache, this anguish, that I will be discussing for the next few posts. It is a good thing. It grounds election and keeps Christians humble. It exposes our hearts for the lost and it helps us see Christ more clearly. And it makes election more glorious, not less.
I probably wouldn't have written these posts if I hadn't had that discussion last night. After the phone call I realized just how much damage can be done by insisting on election without grounding it in heartache.
(My friend, by the way, wasn't calling me up to yell at me about my insistence on election. I just realized through the conversation that I had probably hurt many and that some of you may have, as well.)
labels: election
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
the absurdity of my prayers
I've noticed something strange lately in my prayer life. It has been going on for, most likely, my entire life as a Christian but I just realized how weird it is.
It goes something like this:
Yesterday I received an email letting me know about a situation in Haiti involving several folks that attend Christ's Covenant, whom I've never met personally. It gave some details about specific needs in the area, needs of the folks serving and some info on return flights.
Immediately I thought "I should really spend some time in prayer about this." Then I went right back to reading the rest of my email.
Minutes later I realize that I just thought of praying about someone, but I never actually did it. It wasn't because I was dealing with an urgent matter, or was interrupted, or had something else to pray about. I simply didn't take time to actually pray about the situation.
This happens much more often than I'd like to admit. I wonder if I'm alone with this problem or if you, too, suffer from an absurd prayer life?
Incidentally, if you think of it, please pray for the folks from my church down in Haiti and for the folks they'll be ministering to. (That means stop reading and pray, you really don't have anything better to do. I promise.)
Try and say that date real fast "two, ten, ten."
Logos is giving away an IPad...seriously. Even though I don't like the looks of them and they don't really appeal to me, who doesn't want a free new electronic gadget?
Win a free DA Carson book from Z
A review of McLaren's new book
Lloyd-Jones says what the greatest danger is
Bigfoot is real, I tell ya. I seen him.
And the big red tractor from Francis Chan:
The Big Red Tractor from Jacob Lewis on Vimeo.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
writing takes time
A day only has so many hours and, as of lately, they've mostly been filled with work. Ordinarily this wouldn't affect my blogging, but for some unknown reason we've been quite busy at the store. Today, for instance, I started the tractor to plow the drive and didn't get done until 3:30. That's good for business and bad for blogging.
I could, of course, simply stay after work or go in early to blog but that just doesn't sound appealing to me. That leaves me with phone blogging, which I've finally decided to give in to. I hope you're happy.
I'll be getting some posts written up and should be back to my regular schedule in the next few days. I've also got my daily links posts ready to go, though they may be a day later than many of the posts I link to.
My current obsession: Koine Greek. I'm busting out Mounce's textbooks and loving it. I can't wait for seminary, hopefully I'll be able to go in the next couple years.
Till tomorrow,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
backpacking light
I read this article today in Backpacking Light and immediately the spiritual applications starting ringing in my ears. I urge you to stop trying to get all the latest gadgets and tools and focus on being prepared, in season and out of season, to share the Gospel by word and deed.
Check it out here.
labels: evangelism, preparedness, work
Friday, January 22, 2010
roe v. wade...37 years and 55 million deaths
Roe v. Wade has killed more people than Stalin and Hitler. A lot more. Below are two to show the heinous nature of an abortion and the other to give hope for life.
We must stand up for those who cannot defend themselves.
This is from one of the first sonogrammed abortions, title Silent Scream. I encourage you to watch all 6 portions of the video their website here.
Here's the sonogram (part 3):
Here is a video of some folks who were encouraged to abort their son because he was diagnosed with Trisomy-18.
99 Balloons from Igniter Media on Vimeo.
labels: abortion
Monday, January 18, 2010
Haiti's orphans may get to meet their parents soon
Sinner or saint?
Roe v. Wade at 37
Sobering thoughts on 1 Timothy
Football's 11 minutes
This made me laugh:
(HT: DeYoung)
mlk and my family
My family doesn't claim to be anything special, but with the welcoming of my new Honduran brother-in-law (who looks strikingly like MLK) we have come one step closer to the brotherhood of mankind that he talked so feverishly about.
I praise God that our family has not only embraced it but that it barely even registered a blip on our conscience. May God continue to be glorified in the interweaving of the races so that on that glorious day, at the resurrection of all, we will stand arm in arm and sing the glories of our Great Savior, Jesus Christ.
Friday, January 15, 2010
the coming weeks
Well, this weekend I plan on getting some blogs up and going. There will be several book reviews that are long overdue (months?) and a couple of free books in the mix.
I've also got some ideas that I've been floating around for a few weeks on a scratch pad that I think I'll work on tomorrow.
Pastor's conference is coming up and I'm pumped.
Have a good weekend,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
With hundreds of unread blogs in my reader, it's unlikely I'll be able to weed through them efficiently. Instead I'm going to post several links for you to read and pray through on Haiti. May we take the Gospel of Christ boldly to a land that was broken spiritually and now physically.
Pray for Haiti
If you can, I urge you to donate to the Haitian relief effort
Was it punishment?...(It is rarely a good idea to speak on behalf of the unknown purposes of God.)
Will you remember Haiti tomorrow?
labels: haiti
my apologies
It's strange how a person can get so busy with "work" at work that they have no time to blog...not one bit.
I'm still really busy at the store, but I thought I'd drop a note out on some things I've been pondering.
1. The unbelievable good grace of God in providing communities of believers to enrich the soul. The church I've started attending, Christ's Covenant, has been a much welcomed delight and I'm excited about getting more involved there. I'd heard about it through a few friends and have been stoked about the Christ-exalting nature of the pastors and people.
2. The dynamics of poverty, specifically how lifting someone out of poverty affects their relationships. (This was brought on by a book called My Beautiful Idol, which you should pick up if you get the chance.) How turning someone out of the system is much more difficult than we realize because of those relationships and how, without the grace of God through Christ, it creates a poorer poor and a richer rich and makes the gap increasingly wider between the two.
3. The pleasure of a simpler life. I've been without internet or TV for awhile now, and since my sister moved out last month I've had quite a bit more time to do...something? nothing? I've chosen to read both books and Scripture and to write. It has been much more enjoyable than flipping on the tube...but it took some getting used to. I recommend it.
That's it for now,
labels: rabid deer
Thursday, January 7, 2010
"Our God is not to be worshipped as one among many good and true beings, but as God alone; and his gospel is not to be preached as one of several systems, but as the one sole way of salvation." - C.H. Spurgeon (HT: Monergism)
Win In My Place Condemned He Stood or Word of Fire
Representative Stupak is awesome
Christ our righteousness
The Law of the Old Testament was a means of grace? I'd have to agree
(HT: Z)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Quote of the day:
"Only a fraction of the present body of professing Christians are solidly appropriating the justifying work of Christ in their lives. . . . In their day-to-day existence they rely on their sanctification for justification. . . . Few know enough to start each day with a thoroughgoing stand upon Luther’s platform: you are accepted, looking outward in faith and claiming the wholly alien righteousness of Christ as the only ground for acceptance, relaxing in that quality of trust which will produce increasing sanctification as faith is active in love and gratitude." - Richard F. Lovelace (HT: RO)
Win free coffee from Dunkin' Donuts
A very powerful testimony on the devastating effects of abortion
Go here and read all the articles
Buy Ketchup in May
Something funny (and kinda stinky sweet)
The Proverbs 31 woman
And a funny video, watch it for the drum break:
(HT: Z)
psalm 1
Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
for the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.
labels: psalm
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Quote of the day:
"I ask people in member interviews, "Tell me about your relationship with unbelievers." And almost constantly, I hear, "I don't necessarily try to preach the gospel all the time. I just want my life to be my testimony. I just want to share my life with people." You know what, y'all? Our lives are a mess! And when we share our lives with people--without sharing the grace of God that rescues us--we're not doing anybody any good. We're not!" - Mike Cosper (HT: Rachel)
Free book here
Abortion double-talk
Sometimes I have a big head and tiny arms
Sin boldy but beware the downward spiral
Homeschooled kids are smarter than me and you (you and me? you and I? us? we all?)
Happy Remonstrance
Stop with the medicine already
Something you should buy for me
matthew's begats
I think I've posted the song before (and probably linked to it several times) but this week "Matthew's Begats" really made Scripture become a little more readable for me.
I'm currently reading through 1 Chronicles and the first few chapters are a bit...cumbersome? They aren't even offical "begats" because it simply lists people, like this "Adam, Seth, Enosh; Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared; Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech; Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth." This could get old really quickly.
But, thankfully, I have nearly memorized Andrew Peterson's tune and I was able to pick my way through much of the text by trying to figure out the lineage of Jesus. It was much better.
My advice: learn to love this song so that you can better appreciate the begats (or the lists, if you will.)
labels: andrew peterson, begats, scripture
Monday, January 4, 2010
An update on IMonk
Win a book from Noel Piper
Prayers of a hypocrite
If I had a rubber hose I would beat you....
Brit Hume
Living in garbage
This was encouraging
Decisional it good?
How to move a big library
New feature, quote of the day:
“Suppose, in the encounter between doctor and child [in an abortion], the child won half of the time, and killed the doctor in self-defense—something he would have every right to do. Very few doctors would perform abortions. They perform them now only because of their absolute power over a small, fragile, helpless victim.”—Stephen D. Schwarz (HT: JT)
Go to minute 4 of this video and be amazed by the ants...